Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, July 1, 2022
What a disaster My children, what a disaster!
Message from Our Lady to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia June 29, 2022 - (4:35 p.m.) second locution.
It's going to happen, My children!
"Italy!" Rome will be besieged by the enemy, the Vatican will be taken, conquered by the enemies, ... because of the treachery of My children!
My children, you will be satisfied now with all that your eyes will see. Satan now feels he is victorious, success shines in his hands, he has succeeded in involving himself in his evil plan. He has kept you in his bosom, of his poison he has fed you, he has changed your blood into poison!
You have no more blood, My children, you are filled with the poison of the infernal enemy, you possess his stench! You were destined to die, ... because of your weakness, your pride, your disobedience to God.
What a slaughter My children, what a slaughter! My eyes will see so much blood, and so many will see it, everyone in the place, and then again, through the media, the whole world will report the great catastrophe that will happen in Rome.
Despite My appeals, despite God calling you to conversion, you have stubbornly remained in this position: ... on Satan's side and not God's! You have not wanted to repent, now you will suffer the Hell that you yourselves have created.
My children, My children! ... what sorrow in Me! ... what pain in the heart of My Son Jesus, ... what pain Heaven goes through for the vision that will be manifested in the eyes of this world.
The whole Universe mourns for this situation, for this perverse Humanity that has not wanted to recant, that has continued step by step to follow the footsteps of Satan by not returning to its Creator God.
Poor Earth! ... you will tremble in every part of you: ... volcanoes will open, seas will rise, the Earth will be torn into a thousand parts and fire will come from its bowels, in many places, cities will be submerged, submerged by the seas and partly swallowed up by the Earth.
What a disaster My children, what a disaster! ... you wanted this, ... why? Why My children? Why did you not believe the appeals of God, the constant call of Heaven, to your conversion, to return to purity, to the Commandments of God, to be children of the Living God and not of Satan? You have created this situation with your own hands, you have chained yourselves to the infernal enemy.
I am silent before you, My face is a river of tears, ... the Heart of Jesus is dripping with blood: He so loved His children that He gave His own life to save them, but many have rejected Him and still reject Him, ... and still are stubborn to eliminate Him from life, from this earthly life, from the Church, from every situation in the world.
God must no longer exist! The name of Jesus is erased in all parts of the world, Lucifer is raised instead: behold, Lucifer, your moment is now but it will not be a great moment and it will be brief because you will be catapulted along with all your followers into the bowels of the Earth.
When you think you have victory in your hand here is when Heaven will manifest itself to you, God will put His foot on your head, crush you and cast you from where you came out, ... from your Hell.
My children, My blessed children, pray this holy Rosary with dedication. Pray for the triumph of My Immaculate Heart, may it be now, shortly!
Now the time has come, everything must happen, everything! So do not turn away, do not weaken, My children, with the situations that will come before your eyes but ask for strength from Heaven, nourished by God, to have God's strength in this battle.
I will be with you, I will be your Mother and your Guardian, I will be a Warrior, a fierce Warrior for the salvation of her children, ... I will fight against the infernal enemy to bring the world back to peace and joy.
Forward! My Son awaits you all, loves you infinitely, opens His arms to take you all into Himself.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Do not lower your gaze My children, be vigilant, the moment is now!
Every moment can be the right one.
Source: ➥